28 WTF Moments From TNA Impact (Jan 5)

Back already, James?

2016 marks a new beginning for TNA, as Impact Wrestling moves to the Pop TV network, giving them a larger viewership and hopefully signalling a brighter future as they put the awkward World Title Series behind them with a new TNA World Champion in tow. TNA's new and improved Impact certainly was an encouraging sign in a number of ways, with actual storylines being part of the equation again, and Pop isn't quite so rife with commercials as Destination America, meaning we get about 15 more minutes of wrestling each week. All that said, though, the drawbacks of "live" TV were painfully, hilarious apparent from early on, yet the show did a great job setting up the weekend's One Night Only live event, serving up some solid wrestling and making it clear that TNA isn't ready to keel over and die just yet. Here are 28 WTF moments from this week's TNA Impact...

28. It Wasn't Really Live

TNA made a huge fuss about the fact that Pop TV's first episode of Impact was going to air live, which is always more exciting given how it raises the unpredictability level. However, the show was in fact aired on a tape delay of roughly one hour, meaning that the identity of the much-hyped "miracle" and the winner of the World Title Series had leaked online half-way through the show. Granted, it didn't give TNA much time to edit out any botches, so at least it still retained some of the insanity of a live show. But still, if they call it live, it should be just that, not "recorded live". Whether any future Impact shows will be "live" or not remains to be seen, but hopefully so.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.