3 Ups & 10 Downs From WWE Raw (Aug 3)
3. "Chaos," Apparently
Fans were told to expect "chaos" on last night's RAW. A new faction was debuting, apparently, with the promotion themselves hyping up the pre-show media reports, leading to great expectations for whatever was going to transpire.
What we got was pretty lame. The group screwed with the lights and microphones all night, creating short blackouts as RAW opened and regularly cutting off the audio while wrestlers were trying to cut promos. Rather than creating disarray, this was just flat-out annoying, diminishing the affected segments. Later, the mystery men tipped over a box of clamps, prompting an unnecessarily in-depth meditation from Charly Caruso, before they were caught lobbing Molotov cocktails at an electrical transformer outside, which was supposedly the cause of the problems.
The whole thing felt like the Riott Squad's old juvenile antics, when the trio would roam corridors cutting neckties and spilling cups of coffee. It's so safe, tame, and unthreatening that it has immediately presented this group as goobers, and we don't even know who they are yet!
Don't promise chaos if you can't deliver it. Pure and simple.