3 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (April 27 - Results & Review)

2. Well, They Put A Shift In!

Best Friends Trent Beretta Chuck Taylor

Here's the upside to that 'Parking Lot Brawl'.

Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor refused to hold anything back from minute one. Some fans will adore this sort of thing (looking at you original ECW and WWF Hardcore Title division enthusiasts) and others will hate all the blood, but nobody can deny these ex-Best Friends went for it from the off. They never let up.

This was a weapons-filled fight that played out like a stunt show more than a match. That's fine - the way AEW promoted this clash meant it had to be bloody and a bit OTT. It's anyone's guess where they take things from here though. Going from something so violent to a straight up pro wrestling match between Trent and Orange Cassidy would be odd.

That's the future. In the present, Chucky T and Trent deserve a big ol' pat on the back for going hell for leather when they could've phoned it in with some of these bumps. Also, was anyone else expecting Tony Khan or Jack Perry to pop up on-screen with a CM Punk reference when Taylor planted Beretta on that car windshield?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.