3 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (April 27 - Results & Review)


3. Not One For AEW Squashes, But…

Big Bill AEW

...this Big Bill one worked.

Anyone who read the Collision whinge about Rush squashing Martin Stone might point at this entry like that Leo DiCaprio TV meme and cry foul. However, stick with it. There's a vast difference between someone like Rush running roughshod over someone and Bill doing the same. Their respective characters are totally different.

People will have their own opinions about this whole Chris Jericho "Learning Tree" thing, but Bill could defo use some direction again and this is an easy way to go about giving him that. Being physically dominant and bragging about how easy he finds it to rag-doll foes around the ring suits Big Bill better than most too.

There are certainly worse ideas out there than putting Bill behind Jericho as some sort of enforcer. Think Shawn Michaels and Diesel, albeit with an older veteran most are sick of in the HBK role. Yet another Jericho-led faction is a stretch, but Bill would be grateful for the telly time.

He did well with this for starters.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.