3 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Dec 10)

Hook debuts with a bang; Sting goes old-school; Rampage has one of the best AEW matches yet?

Lucha Bros Alex Abrahantes

It finally happened.

AEW debuted Hook, and Taz's boy didn't disappoint. The Team Taz man went from background figure who's only good for gang beatdowns to star-in-the-making on Rampage, but his opponent for the night deserves a special mention too. After all, even the best squashes mean nothing without someone who sells their arse off.

Don't let the equal 'Ups' and 'Downs' count fool you - this was another solid hour of AEW TV. The company produced one of its best tag-team matches ever in the opening slot too. Superb match quality is something fans have come to expect from the likes of FTR and the Lucha Bros though. That foursome could have top bouts in their sleep these days.

Minor niggles came in the form of a women's match that was far too busy (thus distracting from the real issue: AEW's TBS Title Tournament/the coming semi finals) and a main event that never seemed like anything other than a formality. Was anything dreadful? No, absolutely not, but negatives are negatives.

Here's a deep dive on all the good and bad from this week's Rampage.

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AEW Rampage
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