3 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Dec 25)

2. Pressing Reset?

Miro AEW

Same old sh*t.

That's all this fan could think when that video package for Miro aired on Rampage. The former TNT Champion made his usual grand promises about 'bringing joy to his cruelty' and harped on about being 'The Redeemer'. This is a step backwards for the former Rusev - he's back to square one.

Miro didn't get off to a fabulous start in All Elite. His interactions with Kip Sabian as the 'Best Man' were rather lame and unwanted, but AEW got it right by turning him into a wrecking machine as TNT Champ. Since dropping that belt to Sammy Guevara, the guy has been sinking again.

Be honest, Twitter would have a field day if WWE did this. There would be endless moans about the creative team, Vince McMahon being out of touch with what his audience wants etc etc. Pressing reset on Miro after booking him so strongly absolutely deserves criticism.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.