3 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Jan 26 - Results & Review)


3. The Last Thing AEW Needs


A graphic flashed up midway through Rampage hyping that several CMLL workers will be making trips over for shots on AEW programming. Excalibur promised more info on Saturday's Collision, and acted like none of these guys had ever appeared on AEW TV. That's not strictly true for all of them, is it?

Also, this is yet more split focus from Tony Khan when it's the core All Elite product that needs his attention. Sure, bringing in stars from Mexico will appeal to the niche audience, but it isn't going to make most tune into Collision. That's an issue Khan must address from the root of the problem - chucking more wrestlers on TV won't solve it.

That's what AEW plans to do anyway.

Surely developing characters and telling stories is the way to get people invested in your product? One off exhibition matches and short mini-feuds (more on that to come) won't cut it. Nothing against the CMLL crew, but...AEW already has too many wrestlers to juggle as it is.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.