3 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 11)


3. Overkill?

Darby Allin Marq Quen

Marq Quen hit a 450 splash to the floor in a bid to get Darby Allin counted out. Then, when that failed, Quen went for a pinfall attempt. When that didn't work, the Private Party man went to the top rope and tried to hit a shooting star press. That was another miss for Quen, and so Darby tapped him out.

The closing sequence of the match was a bit much.

It's cool that Quen is a flippy guy, and he can definitely fly through the air with the best of them, but you just get the sense that someone needs to start editing these matches for the good of the workers in them. Yes, letting performers do their thing is great, but a little direction wouldn't hurt.

Seeing Marq hit these spectacular moves (or try to) back-to-back was overkill. Maybe AEW's announcers would argue that his over-reliance on flying antics cost him here, but...yeah, this fan would like to see a bit more balance in his matches.

Wrestlers don't need to do everything all the time.

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AEW Rampage
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