3 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 31)

2. Stupid Heels Are Stupid

Matt Hardy Ethan Page

It looks like Matt Hardy's contract being owned and controlled by The Firm will soon be yesterday's news. Then, the angle can take its rightful place on lists like, 'X Worst AEW Storylines Ever' someday. Honestly, the whole drama has been pretty rubbish from the start.

Also, is Ethan Page thick? Stokely Hathaway wasn't available, so he let Matt handle the legalities of setting up a match vs. Hook on Dynamite. Then, Page giddily signed the contract on Hardy's back as the legend winked at the camera. This fourth wall break was played for laughs.

The narrative is poor though. Page and The Firm have been treating Matt like a piece of sh*t for months now, but suddenly trusts him like they've been besties forever? Man, this plot hasn't thickened so much as started thin then thinned out even further.

End it soon, please.

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AEW Rampage
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