3 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW: Battle Of The Belts

1. They Ruined Their Own Psychology

Dustin Rhodes Sammy Guevara

First off, Dustin Rhodes deserves praise for doing some of the sh*t he does aged 52.

However, he and Sammy Guevara trod on their own toes and spoiled an otherwise-spirited show of psychology on Saturday night. Their interim TNT Title bout kicked off with some neat storytelling that suggested the older Dustin was knackered and couldn't hack the pace Sammy was setting.

From there, Sammy sold a knee injury before trying some ill-advised dive spots and springboards anyway. Fine - that could be excused by the announcers as Guevara showing off his never-say-die spirit. Then, he genuinely refused to die when Dustin hit a Destroyer off the ring apron through a table.

If they were going to use that, it needed to be the finish. You can't have wrestlers surviving that kind of bump for a near fall 20 seconds later. That's the kind of nonsense John Cena used to get pelters for! AEW knew Guevara was going to win, so they should've edited that spot out of the match.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.