3 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Feb 24)


4. The Ref In That Opener

The Young Bucks Aussie Open

Someone really needs to have a word with both referees and wrestlers alike, and point out that counts must be adhered to. Some flexibility is expected in pro wrestling, but this was taking the p*ss. There were numerous occasions when the ref during that opener started counting the illegal man but then randomly stopped.

He realised neither The Young Bucks nor Aussie Open were listening to him anyway, so he stopped. That is not how refereeing is supposed to work. What's the point of an official at all if he's only there to grab his head and sell moves along with the workers? Come on now, AEW.

Worse, the same ref just didn't count elsewhere during the match.

Honestly, just give all Bucks matches tornado rules at this point. They sorely need that, because it's ridiculous that there are 45-second periods of a stretched-out five count before anyone leaves the ring or goes back to their corner.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.