3 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Feb 24)

3. The Problem With This

Lance Archer

Jim Ross said the following: "Look for great things from Lance Archer". Sadly, although the iconic announcer was only trying to do his job and make comeback monster Archer look impressive, few watching AEW programming genuinely believe those "great things" are incoming.

That's not a damning criticism of Lance's squash match performance here - it's more of a damning head shake at company booking, and how Tony Khan ignites characters before letting them cool right back down again. Who out there has any confidence whatsoever that Archer's latest run will be any better than his last?

TK will be onto his next toy soon enough.

Lance looked fab, and Jake Roberts being there was nice to see, but this return is unlikely to lead to anything worth writing home about. It was a squash segment that existed to chew up some minutes on AEW's 'B' show, and nothing more.

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AEW Rampage
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