3 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 10)


4. Looks More Pointless By The Week

Preston Vance

Preston Vance is stuck in perpetual creative purgatory.

Much was made of him ditching the '10' gimmick, taking off his mask and leaving The Dark Order behind for Rush and pals, but AEW has done f*ck all with him since. In fact, this bout vs. Konosuke Takeshita was Vance's first singles showing since beating Blanco Loco on the 21 February episode of Dark (taped on 28 January).

Yes, he's been on TV since then, but doing what? What more do people tuning in actually know about the guy beyond the idea that he was bored playing background noise in The Order and started to see that Brodie Lee's kid had an ego? That story has barely been developed.

Preston was very-much in the designated jobber-to-the-stars role on Rampage, and that's a damn shame. It also makes the announcers look like fools for hyping him up as someone who has "reached that next level recently". He really, really hasn't.

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AEW Rampage
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