3 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (May 26)


4. Still Hate When They Do This

AEW Rampage Collision

Behold one of the most baffling Rampage tropes.

Excalibur yells excitedly that viewers shouldn't change the channel before picture-in-picture ad breaks, because they'll miss some hot AEW action. Then, somewhat bizarrely, a commercial for more All Elite programming airs on the left hand portion of your screen. It always looks weird.

WWE regularly airs a quick preview for the following edition of Raw or SmackDown on the opposite show, but those are typically separate from everything else going on. You wouldn't have Seth Rollins vs. Finn Bálor (for example) on mute mid-match as an ad aired for SmackDown, put it that way.

This is something AEW must sort out. Or, they can continue to make Rampage look even more second/third rate by pointing out that you should be way more pumped for Dynamite and Collision than this Sunday Night Heat-esque program you've already tuned in to watch.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.