3 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Sept 8)


4. On The Fence With This

Chris Jericho Sammy Guevara

…but veering closer to disinterest than the other way.

Chris Jericho vs. Sammy Guevara at Grand Slam will “get animosity towards one another out of our systems” (according to Jericho), but it just doesn’t seem that interesting. So, they have a match then roll on as tag partners? Or, one of them turns on the other. Either way, it doesn’t feel like AEW’s audience is all that interested in the whole ’Sammy stepping out from Jericho’s shadow’ story anymore.

It's fair to thank AEW for continuing this story on Rampage, but things could've been a bit spicier. Jericho remarking that he couldn't fight Sammy because he was in his commentary getup also turned things a tad silly. The dude was in suit trousers and nothing else, for crying out loud!

Fingers crossed Jericho vs. Guevara is a hot match that delights the live crowd at Arthur Ashe and motors their on/off split story forwards. It could be a little too late for folks to really give a toss though, 'cause this feels like it's been trundling on for years.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.