3 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Jun 26)

1. The House Show Ending

WWE SmackDown The Undertaker

WWE love their house show finishes on throwaway episodes.

This time, 'King' Corbin was humbled so that Braun Strowman, New Day, Jeff Hardy, Matt Riddle and every other babyface with nothing better to do could pay tribute to The Undertaker again. The disappointing thing about this is that it failed to capitalise on anything that's happening elsewhere.

The finisher train on Corbin won't lead to any storyline fallout, and it felt like a waste of Riddle's freshness to wheel him out for something as lame as this. He beat AJ Styles last week, and surely should've been more concerned with putting his name in the frame for an Intercontinental Title shot.

Or, he could've stared down Braun Strowman and teased a new match WWE fans have never seen before. Nope, he joined in on the Corbin bashing with the other goodies before Jeff did his best 'Taker impression for the cameras.

Not offensive, but hardly progressive.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.