3 Ups & 5 Downs From AEW Rampage (Sept 15)
1. Two Squashes?!
It was a quite ridiculous decision to book two squash matches on Rampage.
The show is only 60 minutes long, for crying out loud. What is this? An episode of WWF Wrestling Challenge from 1986? Fans tuning into your broadcast expect to see more than matches lasting between 30-90 seconds, but they ended up seeing two of them on Friday night.
Also, and this is worth repeating, Aussie Open don't actually suit squashes. Mark Davis is arguable, but Kyle Fletcher is defo best-deployed in lengthier bouts that show off his selling whilst Davis snorts and rampages around like a bull on the ring apron. They're a workhorse tag.
This win over Lord Crewe and Damian Chambers didn't do a thing for the Aussies, and bunging two squashes on the show in quick succession was tantamount to torture. Attention, Tony: If you must book a squash, make sure it's only one of the blighters. Two is too much!