3 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE NXT UK Prelude (8 April)


5. Aofie Rattles Some Feathers

NXT UK Prelude Aoife Valkyrie

Your writer is as big a fan of Aoife Valkyrie as the next person, but she had no place coming out following the women’s tag team match. Laying a feather at the top of the stage, the Irishwoman seemed to be setting her sights on a future NXT UK Women’s Championship showdown with Kay Lee Ray.

Why, though?

KLR is already involved in a programme with Emilia McKenzie. There's no reason for Aoife to be involved too; it'll only make things too convoluted. Sure, Valkyrie does need to be pushed higher up the card, something your writer is praying will happen in due course, but for now, she needs to do so by defeating lower-ranked names. Where's Amale when you need her?

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Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.