3 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE NXT UK Prelude (8 April)

4. An Age-Old Story

NXT UK Mark Andrews Flash Morgan Webster

It’s difficult to remember Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster being NXT UK Tag Team Champions because now, they’re a p*sstake. WWE have booked them into a deep hole and are struggling to bring them back out of it, something that became clear as day on this show.

The former champs, having suffered a loss to Kenny Williams and Amir Jordan not long after defeating The Hunt in a solid no disqualifications brawl, are giving off strong vibes of a tandem on the brink of parting ways. They were shown at the UK Performance Center explaining their troubles. Christ guys, you lost one match, and even then it was only via nefarious means. Get a grip.

A minor Down, also, for Dani Luna apparently being the newest member of their little group. In what way does Dani fit into the now-trio? She was struggling to get out the starting block as it was; she doesn’t need to be aligned with two guys in a group that she’ll easily become the third wheel of.

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