3 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Dec 1 - Results & Review)

3. Not The Best Showing

Bayley Kairi Sane Damage CTRL

Honestly, Bianca Belair could be doing with a complete turn and perhaps a jump over to Raw to find out if she can thrive over there. There were a few too many sloppy moments during her match with Kairi Sane, and those held the bout back. This was not a banner showing from either woman, put it that way.

Shame, because they're both top talents on their day.

The truth is that Belair's currently on autopilot as a face. Sane is trying, and her comeback seemed fun when it happened, but Bayley's ongoing split story from the rest of Damage CTRL is the real meat on the bone with her act. Kairi is just sorta there as background noise until things really get going.

WWE handed both women around 10 minutes on Friday, but it felt like 100. That's not good, and it shows where Bianca (in particular) is these days. She's at a real career crossroads, and the writers must arrest the slide before it becomes overtly problematic.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.