3 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Dec 1 - Results & Review)

2. Probably Too Giving

Santos Escobar Joaquin Wilde

Damn, yours truly badly wanted to see Santos Escobar be a vicious sort who refused to give ex-LWO cohort Joaquin Wilde an inch. WWE apparently viewed things a little differently - the agent in charge of their match decreed that Wilde should get some offensive goodness in himself and look pretty competitive throughout.

A little too competitive.

Escobar really should've run straight through Joaquin with relative ease, but the pair went back-and-forth like Wilde was being protected somehow. Hmm, that might not have been the right call, because it's vital that Santos gets to look like a top guy in the making during this heel switch.

Trying to have a good TV match is understandable (Wilde doesn't get many, after all!), but sometimes you just want heels to be totally ruthless. This was defo one of those occasions when a shorter beatdown and some post-match evil from Escobar would've done the trick and suited the story better.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.