3 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Dec 1 - Results & Review)


3. Solid As They Come

Bobby Lashley Butch Pete Dunne

Although there's a case to be made that Bobby Lashley vs. Butch was fairly mediocre too, it worked a little better than the KO vs. Waller bout. No, it wasn't the kind of scrap that'll blow your mind or earn 'Match Of The Year' nominations, but it was solid and did have some purpose.

Lashley got to lead by example with The Street Profits watching, and Pete Dunne received a sour taste of what it's like to swim solo in a sea of sharks on SmackDown. Dunne is a superb worker, and it was clear Bobby enjoyed chucking him about. Fingers crossed big Bob puts a kind word in for this Brawling Brute behind the scenes.

Also, toes crossed that Triple H was paying attention to the fire Dunne showed here.

The match was proof that Pete will work as a scrappy underdog on his own. A follow up promo and beatdown from Pretty Deadly achieved something too - it suggests Butch needs Ridge Holland and Sheamus, so that'll be something to keep an eye on mid-Brutes split.


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