3 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Dec 1 - Results & Review)

2. The Tournament Announcement

Logan Paul WWE

'Tis the season for tournaments, it seems. AEW has the Continental Classic raging on over on the other channel, and now WWE has lined up an 8-man tourney to determine a new challenger for Logan Paul's United States Title. The E is going straight knockout style compared to Tony Khan's round robin format.

Bring it on.

Including an NXT wild card into the bargain is a hoot too, because that could be an easy way to ready someone like Bron Breakker or Carmelo Hayes for the main roster. The announced lineup is as good as WWE could muster on the blue brand midcard, though they might've given the game away on who's winning already.

Kevin Owens went nose-to-nose with LP on this week's show, and the fan response to that shows there's some interest. Booking bits like that when you've got a tournament to run is always risky, so here's hoping WWE has a surprise or two in store.

Neat heel promo from Paul and nice to see some midcarders get something to do regardless.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.