3 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Jan 15)

3. An Obstacle Course…

Bayley Bianca Belair

Some WWE fans may recall the horror of NXT between 2010-2012. Back then, those three letters were responsible for some of the worst "sports entertainment" that Vince McMahon could come up with. For proof, check out the old obstacle course variety show crap they once peddled.

Then realise that it'll be happening in 2021 too.

Bayley challenged Bianca Belair to run an obstacle course with her on next week's SmackDown. Belair's perplexed expression in the attached pic above says it all. Honestly, who thinks this is a great idea that'll snare viewers flipping channels on Friday nights? It's a terrible concept, one that makes Bayley look like a goof.

If she doesn't attack Bianca mid-sprints and get serious again, then this feud is toast. Hearing Michael Cole call her "Harry Potter" and seeing Bayley run through woeful material on a subpar 'Miz TV' knock off isn't as pulsating as watching her rip people apart with a steel chair.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood. Jamie started writing for WhatCulture in 2013, and has contributed thousands of articles and YouTube videos since then. He cut his teeth penning published pieces for top UK and European wrestling read Fighting Spirit Magazine (FSM), and also has extensive experience working within the wrestling biz as a manager and commentator for promotions like ICW on WWE Network and WCPW/Defiant since 2010. Further, Jamie also hosted the old Ministry Of Slam podcast, and has interviewed everyone from Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels to Bret Hart and Trish Stratus.