3 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sept 16)
3. Fine Duelling Promos
Onto the positives.
There was a sweet presentation contrast between that Karrion Kross/Scarlett promo and the one Drew McIntyre worked later in the episode. The heels were hiding out backstage in the shadows talking all weird, whereas Drew was on the commentary desk looking for a fight.
Anyone tuning into SmackDown for the first time would've known immediately who to cheer for and who to boo, and that's a big plus. Simple presentation isn't boring, people. In fact, straightforward booking should be applauded, especially when it gives great performers a clear stage to do their thing.
Kross vs. McIntyre will be one of the highlights at Extreme Rules. Some sort of 'No DQ' brawl would make sense on that pay-per-view, and Karrion's brutality should see him pick up a momentum-boosting win. WWE can cross that bridge when they come to it though. For now, these promos are going down a treat.