3 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 24)
2. Yes. F*cking. Please!
WWE teasing Drew McIntyre vying to become Intercontinental Champion at the expense of GUNTHER is a good time for everyone. Either that, or adding Sheamus in to make it a Triple Threat come 'Mania, sounds like a lot of fun. This is the kind of booking every fan can get behind.
Time to chop, chop, chop.
Provided Sheamus doesn't mind missing out on a big payday, Triple H should seriously think about keeping Drew vs. GUNTHER one-on-one. That match has a classic Intercontinental Title feel to it, and it'd be the best use of McIntyre across the coming WrestleMania 39 weekender.
The fact he came out to stare down GUNTHER solo during the six-man tag is a very good sign that WWE fancies gauging fan interest in a singles bout. That interest will only go through the damn roof if they announce the match soon.