3 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Mar 11)


6. Still Not At Drew’s Level

Drew McIntyre Happy Corbin Jinder Mahal Shanky

Why does it still feel like Drew McIntyre is slumming it?

The big Scot's WrestleMania 38 experience seems destined to be a hollow one, and not only because there's little interest in his match vs. Happy Corbin. On TV, Drew is mixing it with guys who are so far beneath him that it's not even funny. Corbin, Madcap Moss, Jinder Mahal and Shanky? Really?!

It's clear that WWE want to depict McIntyre as a brave lone wolf who fights against the odds, but his foes are weaker than kitten p*ss. He's already toppled Mahal and Shanky multiple times too, so Corbin's decision to enlist them is questionable at best.

Nothing about that segment on SmackDown worked for Drew. Also, The Viking Raiders went from challenging for the tag belts to getting pasted in backstage segments. They're a total afterthought again, and that must be worrying with 'Mania looming.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.