3 Ups & 7 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (8 Nov)

3. More Tyson Fury

Tyson Fury Braun Strowman

It was bound to happen, wasn't it? Post-Crown Jewel, Tyson Fury and Braun Strowman were bound to foster some sort of mutual respect and team up to paste jobber tag-teams for a month or two. That's WWE's go-to plan for Braun. Short feud > tag-team angle > move on > rinse > repeat.

The main issue here is that Fury, whilst a big star in the boxing world and charismatic in his own way, is painfully awkward inside a wrestling ring. He never looks comfortable, or sure of what he's supposed to be doing, and that came across loud and clear when he was unsubtly looking to Braun for direction before posing for the cameras.

The big man might want to play WWE superstar, but it's not for him.

He's a celebrity though, and that means WWE will overlook his weaknesses. That also means fans will have to suffer through some more odd booking for Braun when he should be more. Again, short feud > tag-team angle > move on > rinse > repeat is all they have for him.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.