3 Ups & 7 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (8 Nov)

2. Bayley's Guest Commentary Flop

Bayley Corey Graves

This week's SmackDown marked the second time in a few weeks that Bayley has been booked to provide guest commentary alongside Michael Cole and Corey Graves. Let's just say that Graves (who also said that his job was safe when Nikki Cross blared noise down the headset) has nothing to worry about as colour man.

Bayley was timid, awkward and flat out sucked on comms.

It is admirable that WWE are trying to bring her out of her shell, but speaking isn't a main strength. When she meekly thanked Cole for welcoming her to the broadcast position, yours truly palmed his forehead and said something to the effect of, "No, you're a f*cking heel! Stop it!". That sums the performance up.

Bayley is struggling to match Sasha Banks' gusto, and she's outright failing to verbally present herself as a cheesed-off heel who built women's wrestling in WWE and wants everyone to know it. Her act is like Becky Lynch's character suffering a crisis of confidence.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.