3 Ups & 7 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 22)

4. How Many Times Is This Gonna Happen?!

Lacey Evans Aliyah

Speaking of which.

WWE's writers are really kicking the arse out of this Lacey Evans vs. Aliyah business, aren't they? Granted, Lacey is getting the required boos from live crowds, but the company needs to move on from this mini-feud ASAP and give Evans more to do.

She'd be a fine challenger for Liv Morgan's belt if she stacked up wins and continued getting heat from fans for torching them on the mic. Sometimes, the most simple booking is the best, but...there's no need to keep presenting the same thing over and over and over again each week.

Sadly, Aliyah is also coming across as a total tool for getting herself into the same sticky situation on Friday nights. She's been locked behind doors and slapped across the face countless times without any real reaction, and that isn't working for her at all.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.