3 Ups & 7 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 22)

3. Vicious…Via Count Out!

The Vicious Viking Raiders

The wheels are already starting to come off Erik and Ivar, and that does not sit well with this writer whatsoever. The Vicious Viking Raiders, which appears to be the tag-team's new name, could only manage a count out win over Jinder Mahal and Shanky.

What. The. F*ck?

Shanky and Jinder are literally the bottom rung on the tag division's ladder, so this isn't a good sign. Worse, The Raiders are being sucked into a comedy-driven feud opposite New Day when they should be running right over the top of everybody. They're supposed to be "Vicious", no?

It was forehead-palming stuff when Erik and Ivar backed away from the ring after watching their foes get counted out. Why aren't they mauling everybody in their sights, including Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods? How is this building them up as unstoppable?!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.