3 Ups & 7 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 29)

6. Background Noise

King Woods Kofi Kingston New Day Hit Row

Last week, Hit Row made a splash by getting some decent promo time and an easy squash match win. It was a fine introduction for the group in front of fans that might not know much about them, and it made sense to follow that up with something even better? Right? Right?!

WWE didn't.

Instead, Hit Row were relegated to playing cheerleaders for New Day and doing some hokey 'we're not worthy' bit backstage. This wasn't the correct use of a hot new group the writing team hopes will land with fans long-term. If that's your goal, then at least give them a bloody fighting chance.

Top Dolla and friends should be turning heads on their own merits weekly. They defo shouldn't be acting like marks for King Woods and Kofi Kingston just because creative has nothing else for them but fancies getting them on camera regardless.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.