3 Ups And 7 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Dec 28)

5. Battle Of The Losers Is Official

Not much to report here other than in a clear attempt to mask the truly dreadful work trotted out over the last few weeks in trying to create four viable contenders to the NXT Tag Team Championships - before laughing them off and having MSK jump the queue anyway - last night saw a vignette hype up said four teams for a battle to become the next top challengers for the straps.

Trying to lean into the stronger elements of each side, which is admittedly a tall order for the likes of Briggs & Jensen, sadly, not even WWE's usually reliable shining of sh*t found in their supremely edited packages could paper over the monstrous cracks that have been on show here for weeks.

Every team has been made to look a fool at least a few times since deciding they wanted a shot at the titles, so to expect any one of these duos to kick the new year off with a title run is perhaps an even more foolish commitment.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...