3 Ups And 7 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Dec 28)

1. Exciting Main Event Fails To Deliver Because "How Can They Get Along?!"

Raquel Gonzalez

The second Cora Jade knowingly quipped that herself and Raquel Gonzalez would definitely be able to get along in their planned match with Toxic Attraction last night, your writer felt somewhat confident that WWE wouldn't actually rely on that tired old trope to get them through the go-home show-ender.

And then when the stakes were dialled up by way of adding substituting Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray in as their opponents, with the winners going to New Year's Evil to face Mandy Rose for the strap next week, positive delight at the thought of a main event with actual stakes likely filled the heart of many an NXT fan.

But we're not allowed nice things, and don't you ever forget it.

Despite a promising start, the fairly stacked tag affair got a touch messy as Jade's lack of experience in comparison to her colleagues began to be exposed with poor timing and one particularly weak enziguri to KLR. And then things went from bad to worse as it soon became clear that Gonzalez was pointlessly obsessed with being the woman to make the pin, despite it not actually mattering who was the teammate to seal the deal for the pair.

Raquel Gonzalez

A finish you could see coming a mile away eventually made its presence known as Jade fluked her way into a roll-up to maintain the previously announced NYE match-up. And all of the excitement and unpredictability that had been present just an hour or so ago had well and truly evaporated.

The NXT Women's Champion signed off the show by declaring the two's need to one-up each other would be their downfall, but that still doesn't change the fact that the odds have been thoroughly stacked against Rose... by none other than herself!

Who needs logic when you can have "HOW CAN THEY GET ALONG?!" drama, eh?

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...