3 Ups And 7 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Dec 28)


3. Odyssey Jones Feels The Grayson Waller Effect

Grayson Waller

It's been quite the seven days for Grayson Waller on the back of his verbal showdown with The Phenomenal One on last week's 2.0. Hot on the heels of denying himself and Dexter Lumis' wife were an item in spectacularly heelish fashion on Twitter, the most hated man in developmental rocked up on Raw to get a better look at what made AJ Styles so... you know what.

Jump forward a night and an expectedly buoyant Waller took a moment to remind the fans he didn't give a toss about their Christmas (whilst admitting he paid for a ticket to Raw - employee comps must be a thing of the past) and also poked fun at a once-again injured Lumis and his aforementioned "Waller-3" missus Indi Hartwell. He wouldn't have it all his own way, however, as a replacement in the form of the surprisingly still over Odyssey Jones - surprising because the brand have done next to nothing with him for weeks - quickly set about reminding Waller that he's still just a "Big Time B*tch" in his eyes.

A fun back-and-forth encounter ensued, with both Waller and Jones showcasing impressive levels of athleticism and timing on numerous occasions. Never missing a moment to rile up those watching on, it's unquestionably pretty joyous watching the social media obsessed former go about his business currently and his tactical yanking away of the turnbuckle swiftly followed by a SLICK rolling into the ring cutter was the stuff of finish beauty.

The celebrations were short-lived, though, as Styles soon beamed in to inform his new rival that he'd be in town for New Year's Evil next week. Whether this means we get the two going one-on-one remains to be seen. But the thought of these two talented lads of different generations going at it alone is simply... you know what.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...