30 Greatest EVER WWE Survivor Series Moments
1. The Rock's Deadly Game (1998)
The finest night of Vince Russo's career as virtually every major angle in the organisation coalesced around one of the greatest twists in company history, Survivor Series 1998's Deadly Game tournament delivered a coup for the ages as The Rock turned on an audience that had only just come to favour his electrifying ways.
Linking arms with a reunited Vince and Shane McMahon - they too had fooled the fanbase and lead babyface Stone Cold Steve Austin with their supposed rivalry - 'The Great One' was tacitly gifted a clean run to the title despite the writing masterfully disguising the ruse until the grand payoff. Playing off the prior year's Montreal Screwjob (in the only case of that idea working out well, too), the evil McMahon plan to screw Austin even dragged in Mick Foley as a pawn, Kane and The Undertaker as unwilling henchmen and the Big Boss Man as Rock's right man in the right place right time after right time.
None of the matches matter, but as a pay-per-view spectacular, it's wrestling storytelling at its most elite.