30 Most Inconsequential WWE Titleholders Of All Time

19. Road Dogg - Intercontinental Champion - 14 Days (1999)

1999 was a strange year for booking in the WWE. At the beginning of the year, Road Dogg was a fixture of the Hardcore Division, becoming one of the best champions. At the same time, his tag team partner, Bad Ass Billy Gunn, was foraying into the Intercontinental Division, where Ken Shamrock was the champion, and everybody was going after his sister, Ryan. However, one night on Raw a couple weeks before Wrestlemania 15, Vince Russo decided to switch things around, having Billy Gunn win the Hardcore Title and Road Dogg win the Intercontinental Title, and they took each other€™s spot in their Wrestlemania match. Why? Just cause. Road Dogg would retain the Intercontinental Title at Wrestlemania, but would then drop the belt the next night to Goldust. After that, the New Age Outlaws split storyline was set into motion, and neither Road Dogg nor Billy Gunn would compete for any of the singles championships they were chasing at the beginning of the year.
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.