30 Most WTF Moments In WWE Royal Rumble History

26. The Undertaker Murders Maven (2002)

One of the most hilarious, shocking and unforgettable moments in Rumble history occurred after The Undertaker eliminated both of the Hardys, who then returned to the ring to fight Taker once again. He again threw them out, but this gave the freshly-entered Maven the perfect opportunity to nail Taker with an awesome dropkick, catapulting him out of the ring, resulting in a gigantic pop and an eyes-bugging-out shocked expression on Taker's face. That was enough to cement Maven in Rumble history forever more, but it got better: Taker then took revenge by eliminating Maven, beating him through the crowd, dragging him to the concessions area and smashing his head through a popcorn machine. There's extra hilarity because the nearby fans are going absolutely apes*** as a poor security guard was trying to keep them all at bay.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.