30 Surprising WWE Facts You Probably Didn't Know

9. The Original Legion Of Doom

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Warner Bros

The Legion Of Doom was, as everyone knows, the WWF's version of the Road Warriors, purely because Vince McMahon wanted to own his employees’ names as well as their souls and self-respect.

However, the name came from the faction that the Road Warriors first belonged to. The original Legion of Doom was a stable in the NWA's Georgia Championship Wrestling, which also included a pre-Horsemen Arn Anderson, The Iron Sheik, Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, King Kong Bundy, Don 'The Spoiler' Jardine, Matt Borne (before the Doink the Clown gimmick), and the original Sheik.

The faction didn't last that long - but for a little while, the Road Warriors and the Legion Of Doom were interchangeable names for the tag team.

That name itself was taken from the massive hit DC comics cartoon Super Friends, featuring the members of the Justice League Of America. Chief amongst their enemies were the Legion Of Doom, comprising Bizarro, Giganta, Lex Luthor, Sinestro, Gorilla Grodd, Black Manta, The Scarecrow, Brainiac, Toyman, Cheetah, Captain Cold, The Riddler, and Solomon Grundy.

I'll leave it up to you as to which line-up sounds the more intimidating… but I reckon Arn could take Gorilla Grodd.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.