31 Things That Must Happen After WrestleMania 31

4. Elevate Dean Ambrose To Main Event Level

An aspect of the build to WrestleMania that has been bad is that Dean Ambrose has really become lost in the shuffle. He was a main eventer to end 2014, then didn't do that much in the Royal Rumble and his focus has been on the IC Title since then. However, he's not likely going to win the title. That's going to be Daniel Bryan. What WWE has to realize is that the fans love Ambrose. He's a very unique performer that is unlike the others on the roster. It's a quality that he has along with a guy like Bray Wyatt, who is also very unique. It's why their feud was fun. Turning Ambrose heel is an option too. Perhaps that could be what gets him to that main event level. It's probably too soon to do it because The Shield's breakup isn't even a year old at this point, so there's no reason to rush it. Don't forget that Ambrose has yet to have a proper feud with old friend Seth Rollins. If Rollins ends up as WWE Champion soon, WWE could put them in a PPV main event and it would really create a lot of interest.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.