31 Things That Must Happen After WrestleMania 31

3. Move Raw Back To Two Hours...Please!

This one is huge. Raw is too damn long. You know it, I know it and even Triple H said it when he did the podcast with Steve Austin in February. When one of the main executives in the company is saying that our main show is too long then surely somebody has to listen, right? We know why Raw is three hours. USA Network wants it to be. They pay WWE millions of dollars to do it and WWE does it because they're not in a position to turn down a very nice contract to produce content. How about putting the next season of Tough Enough in that 8-9pm timeslot and then follow up with Raw? When Tough Enough ends, maybe do another season of Legends House and put that there. By doing that, it would provide USA Network with some WWE programming for three hours without forcing them to produce three hours of Raw. Quality of show matters. Raw being three hours does not make it better. It makes it worse. They don't use the time wisely by putting on longer, better matches. They use it by putting on bad segments, airing too many promos and far too many recaps as well. Want people to get excited about Raw again? Trim off an hour. It will help.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.