31 Wrestlers & Staff WWE Just Released
9. Heath Slater

In all seriousness, it is rather distressing to learn that Heath Slater's time in WWE has come to an end. He stretches back to the old FCW days, was a key member of Nexus, and he's survived wave after wave of apathetic booking from company creative since 2011-ish.
Jokes are already landing on Twitter that Slater might be the next 3MB member to strike back and prove himself all over again. Both Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre were previously released by WWE before returning as new men to capture the WWE Title. Could Heath be the next? Who would rule anything out at this point?
Slater is a passionate soul. If anyone needs proof, just watch his moving tribute to McIntyre on a recent episode of The Bump. In it, Heath noted that Drew's mother would be proud of how hard he has worked to make himself a success.