31 WTF Moments From WWE Night Of Champions 2015

1. Sheamus Attempts To Cash In...And Kane Interrupts

After Rollins managed to defeat Sting by the skin of his teeth, Sheamus theme hits and he runs down to the ring to try and cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase. The crowd is going nuts as Sheamus enters the ring and nails Rollins with a Brogue Kick, but before he can complete the cashing-in process, Kane's theme plays and he comes out to the ring, mask and all, to give Rollins a brutal Chokeslam. Sheamus then enters the ring and asks him to give Rollins another Chokeslam, but Kane gives it to Sheamus instead, before lifting Rollins up for a devastating Tombstone as the show goes off the air. And fans the world over were left thinking, "Thank you Kane!", that we didn't have to deal with Sheamus as the new champ...at least for now. Which moments from Night of Champions most made you scream, "WTF!?" Shout them out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.