32 WTF Moments From WWE No Mercy 2016

23. You Look Stupid!

orton harper no mercy

So you're AJ Styles. You've just seen Dean Ambrose go through the motions of John Cena's five moves of doom. What would be high on your list of priorities of moves to avoid? You guessed it, the five moves of doom.

However, despite seeing the sequence go down roughly a minute earlier, and undoubtedly thousands of times before, Styles got up and went through exactly the same as Ambrose did.

He looked stupid. He's a heel. Heels are supposed to be cunning, leaving all the silliness and lack of logic to the naive faces.

WTF Moment with many layers. Like an onion.

Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.