32 WTF Moments From WWE No Mercy 2016

24. Misplaced Confidence?

orton harper no mercy

So you're in a Triple Threat match for the WWE World Championship. You're well aware the first man to score a pin fall or submission goes home with the title.

Why then, if you're Dean Ambrose, would you sit there and watch a pin fall attempt after a gnarly Facebuster thing instead of breaking it up. Surely you'd be in there like swimwear trying to break it up. What was Dean thinking? Imagine if the referee's hand hit the mat for the three count. What he pillock he would have felt.

Ultimately, John Cena kicked out so it didn't matter which means this moment has been a complete waste of your time. Nevertheless, it was weird to see The Lunatic Fringe sit there and watch as a potential match ending situation played out.

Insert sarcastic comment about this pin fall kick out being pre-determined.

Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.