32 WTF Moments In Triple H's WWE Career

8. Smashing Up Randy Orton's House

Triple H breaking and entering Randy Orton's house was one of those things were everyone just tried too hard. What was meant to come off as intense and heated, ended up looking silly and rehearsed. If it was meant to be a rehash of the legendary Austin / Pillman home invasion, then it failed badly. The camera shots for one thing, they were way too stylised and angled. Zooming in on Hunter as he hammered his way through the front door, it was like something out of The Shining. After that sort of build, you might have expected a violent match as the outcome. No, instead they met in a straight up wrestling match, boring the life out of the audience at WrestleMania 25.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.