32 WTF Moments In Triple H's WWE Career

7. Text To Nash

Which bright spark in WWE creative thought a good storyline would be a Triple H / Kevin Nash feud based on a misread text message? Or more likely, was it just a case of Triple H wanting to have an angle to work with his best buddy? The problem was, it was 2011, and Nash was clearly past it. Their 'Sledgehammer Above The Ring Ladder Match' could be one big WTF, but the basis for it has to be considered the biggest WTF part of the feud. How can a "mis-read text message" be considered a reason for a storyline? The narrative went that Nash turned up at SummerSlam 2011, decking CM Punk because a Triple H text message had requested it. But it was just mis-read, causing tension between Nash and Hunter... and killing CM Punk's momentum in the process!
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.