32 WTF Moments In Triple H's WWE Career

28. Dress Sense

Looking at Triple H's attire in WCW, you never would have gave him a hope in hell of one day being the most powerful wrestler in the business. As John Paul Levesque, he wore outrageous neckerchiefs and billowing overcoats. It was the sort of gimmick which he surely hated, but there's no denying he sort of pulled it off. He looked the part of french aristocracy, with that huge nose and glaring chin. Part of the big lesson to be learned from Hunter's past, is all wrestlers must pay their dues and ride their share of bad gimmicks. So there's hope for Damien Sandow yet, his intellectual gimmick was pretty much Hunter's old act.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.