35 Current WWE Stars And Their '90s Counterparts

3. Seth Rollins/Randy Savage

Bray Wyatt and Waylon Mercy

Seth Rollins is seen by many to be the very best active professional wrester in the world today. Like him or not, it’s hard to argue with that claim.

During his time in the ring, Randy Savage was one of the very best of all time. Savage was methodical but high-energy and vicious in his attacks, and his ring awareness was masterful. He was also fantastic as a heel who would always talk the good talk about how he was a great fighting champion, yet he’d then scour off with his tail between his legs before suddenly turning into a fearless fighter once his opponent’s back was turned.

Rollins is a unique performer who draws comparisons from many greats of yesteryear, but when it comes to chicken sh*t whiny heels, he certainly has a lot of the “Macho King” Randy Savage about him. Also, both Rollins and Savage can/could put on a great match with anyone.

Throughout Savage’s career it always felt as if he was never quite placed on the same level as Hulk Hogan. At the moment that’s the same with Rollins, as despite being the WWE Champion he is still not seen as “the man”. But much like Savage, you have to feel that Rollins will be over absolutely huge when he finally turns face.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.