35 Current WWE Stars And Their '90s Counterparts

4. John Cena/Hulk Hogan

Bray Wyatt and Waylon Mercy

Of all of the entries in this list, this one is arguably the most predictable and the easiest to justify.

Simply put, Hulk Hogan was the undeniable face of the WWF, and John Cena has been the undeniable face of the renamed WWE. Hogan was popping vitamins, saying prayers and training hard, whilst Cena has been never giving up, hustling, and hawking offensively-bright merchandise. Hogan had monsters like Andre and Bundy, Cena had Big Show and Khali.

The similarities are stark and sharp, and it makes you question why Cena has been pushed in such a way that is outdated and irks many fans. The whole all-American, baby-kissing babyface was a shtick that had already started to grow outdated for Hogan by about 1992, so it’s no wonder that so many reject Cena in 2015 and beyond.

Love them or hate them, John Cena and Hulk Hogan are the absolute biggest names of their generation, both catchphrase-spewing babyfaces with limited movesets and whose main supporters were the kids who would so regularly max out their parents’ credit cards on their respective hero's merch.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.